I'm zinx (Tasdid Hossain)
I am a Computer Science student in AIUB and a web developer skilled in React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS and many other popular web technologies.
About Me
I am a CS student that loves programming and wants to make useful technologies that will help people and make them happy. I always try my best to improve myself so that I can be skilled enough to be able to make people smile through my work. I have taught myself to write code in Javascript and its library React.js within 3 months and made some project websites to improve my skills in them. Besides that, I learned C++ and JAVA in my University curriculum. I like to use web technologies such as React.js, Next.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, etc to make websites. I am interested in learning more about how to use the technologies in enterprises and broadening my knowledge. I also want to make Enji (imaginary AI girlfriend) real someday after learning ML.
Past Experiences
Worked as a part time computer operator
Worked as a freelance assignment writer
Started learning web development
Started working as a freelance developer
I am skiled in a variety of technologies in web development and programming, Including Front-end and Back-end technologies.
React.js, Next.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS, Redux
REST API, Node.js, Express and MongoDB
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering
Studying in year 1 (current CGPA - 3.81/4.00
HSC (Science)
SSC (Science)
Extra-Curricular Activities
HighSchool Science Club Member
Disney+ Clone
Disney+ UI clone. Fire authentication, responsive home page and movie detail page.
- Next.js
- React.js
- Firebase Auth
- Redux
Netflix Home Page Clone
Netflix home page clone with Next.Js, TMDB API.
- Next.js
- React.js
Hulu Home Page Clone
Hulu home page clone with Next.js, TMDB API, Tailwind CSS.
- Next.js
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
Chatroom WebApp
This is a super chatroom where the members can chat. FIrebase Database and authentication is used.
- React.js
- FireBase
Real Estate Website
Real Estate website with Next.js, Rapid API and Chakra UI. It showcases various properties and has multiple filter and search options.
- NextJs
- React
- Rapid API
React Shopping Cart
E-Commerce shopping cart using React.js, Redux, material UI and Stripe payment.
- React
- JavaScript
- Redux
- Stripe
MovieDB Website
This is a Movie DataBase website where a user can search the registered movies in movieDB API.
- React.js
- movieDB API
E-Commerce REST API
REST API for ecommerce website using JWT authentication, with feature of user management, product management and recover password routes.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB